Let’s Get Started!


 Package options & full service details en route.


Brand Identity

Branding Quick Kit - $275

  • Colours

  • Fonts

  • Style/usage guide

  • Simple text-only logo

  • Mood board

  • Example posts

Full Brand Identity - $825

  • Everything in Quick Kit

  • Textures, stock backgrounds

  • Full usage guide

  • Language/tone guide

  • Template examples for all kinds of posts (consider limiting this)

  • PSD or Canva templates

  • Headers/banners/highlight covers

  • Write-up of identity

  • USPs/value pillars

  • Mission statement/elevator pitch

  • Market positioning & comparisons

  • Social content brainstorm

Social Media Management

Ongoing - $1430/month*

Initial Month - $2380

Fixed Term, Existing Strategy - $1200/month

Marketing Strategy

Instagram Strategy - $1485

  • Audit & optimisation of profile

  • Clarification of brand voice

  • Visual mood board

  • Content categories and themes to build upon

  • Hashtag groups

  • Suggestions for optimised highlights

  • PDF breakdown of strategy

  • Three weeks' worth of banked content

  • Content calendar template

  • Essential templates for optimum dimensions

  • Templates for any custom content created

  • Handover manual

Social Media Strategy - $2090

  • Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn

  • Content strategy

  • Audit & optimisation of existing platforms

  • Mood board & style guide

  • Content categories

  • Hashtag groups

  • 3 weeks worth of scheduled content

  • PDF breakdown of strategy

  • 2 weeks full service management

  • Creation of content calendar template for continued us

  • Handover Manual

+Rich Content - $220

Youtube, Podcasts, Written Features

+Email Marketing - $330





Single Platform - $275

All Social Media - $440

Covers Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn. Twitter & Tiktok available upon request.

Website & Rich Content - $495

Covers all content on your website - including copy, formatting, layout, functionality - as well as two rich media options, such as YouTube/video content and blog posts/written resources.

Full Digital Presence - $660

Covers all social media, full website audit and up to two rich media options.

Added back-end Instagram analytics +$55

All options include a 90 minute consult call and PDF of meeting notes/suggestions.

For audio content & podcast audits please contact me directly for a quote.

Consult Call

1x90 Minutes - $220

Address all questions & concerns in one go

3x90 Minutes - $605

Implement a strategy, cover more detailed ground

Both options include detailed meeting notes PDF & 30 minute follow-up call


To have up to three members of your team trained directly by me to expertly spearhead your digital presence, please contact me directly for a quote.

Websites & Words

Squarespace Website Creation & Design

Site creation & design includes copy editing but does not include copywriting. Copywriting rates can be found further down this page.

From Scratch - $1595

  • Basic brand guidelines

  • Site creation

  • Collection & creation of graphics and imagery

  • SEO optimisation

  • Tutorial at handover

  • Minor future upkeep as necessary

Upgrade - $1045

Transferring content from an existing site to a new, updated Squarespace site.

Includes all of the above, with reduced amount of original imagery creation.

Upgrade (Nonprofits) - $800


Website Copywriting - $1100

Single Webpage - $220

Single Newsletter - $170

Newsletter x4 - $570

Other, per 500 words - $220

Features Writing

Blog Post (Approx 500 words) - $275

Interview - $385

Profile Piece - $550


How To Get Started


Choose A Service

Like a kid in a candy store, or a me in a stationery shop, the world is your oyster. If you’re unsure which option is right for you, we can figure that out together - for now pick the form that feels most relevant and go with that.


Submit A Form

I - a real person - will be reading what you write, so this is a very low-stress situation. Just follow the prompts and chuck in any additional info you think I might need to know along the way.


An Email From Me!

Once I’ve looked over your form I’ll get in touch to say hi, answer any questions you may have asked and/or arrange a time for us to talk properly. Hopefully you will then reply, but I’m not going to tell you how to live.


Kick-Off Call

Every service begins with a 30 minute audio or video call. We’ll chat about your brand and make sure our game plan covers all your bases. You hang up feeling empowered and excited, I send you some admin and a roadmap of our next steps, and the fun begins.


The Modern Interior Design Studio Websites, Hero Header Blog (5).png